validity of sacrament

Question from Tim on 10/28/2007:

Hi Was this a valid Catholic sacrament?

Attended marriage ceremony recently in Catholic Church. Bride Catholic and groom Protestant (Methodist). Ceremony similar to Mass, except no Eucharistic Liturgy (Communion was provided after the service to those who had ordered it some time previous to the service).

The service was concelebrated by Catholic priest and Methodist minister. The Liturgy of the Word was shared between both ministers with the Methodist minister reading the Gospel. The “Our Father” was recited by the Catholic Priest and included “Thine is the Kingdom….”. The words of the marriage ceremony itself were split between both ministers.

Was this a valid Catholic sacrament? Any other comments?

Best regards, love your program,

Tim (Ireland)

Answer by Rev. Mark J. Gantley, JCL on 11/2/2007:

Much of what you describe was illicit.

Only one officiant is permitted to "receive" the consent of the parties. Canon 1127, 3 states: "There is not to be a religious celebration in which the Catholic who is assisting and a non-Catholic minister together, using their own rites, ask for the consent of the parties."

I would say therefore that the marriage is invalid due to the defect of canonical form. If you have witnessed this recently, I would suggest that the parties ask for a radical sanation from the bishop (or his delegate).

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